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Head Lice FAQ

In most cases, you do not have to do anything special to get rid of lice in your home. Head lice need a human host to live on to survive. Without a human scalp to live on, these parasites die within 24 to 48 hours.

The simple answer is no. Head lice only live on humans, so it is impossible to transmit them to your pets.

Head lice are specifically designed with six legs that are perfect for grasping and climbing up human hair. They prefer to stick close to the scalp where they have an easy place to feed.

Our professional technicians do their best to remove every live louse and egg from the hair and scalp. However, this solution is what we call insurance against an re-infestation. In the rare event that an egg is left behind, the solution suffocates it. These three treatments also protect you during the first few days at home when a live louse could potentially live off of the scalp.

Head lice are more of a nuisance pest. They do not spread disease, but it is possible to develop an infection from scratching at itchy spots and sores on the scalp

Lice deposit their eggs near the hair follicles on the scalp. They tend to have a white to yellow-brown color. They are attached with a special type of glue that causes them to only move when pulled at or tugged fingernails or a special type of brush. They do not typically fly away if you blow on them.

Lice prevention should begin with just being careful to avoid contacting your head and hair to another person’s. Follow common sense rules such as not sharing hats, brushes or hair accessories. Our Lice Lifters Spray also deters lice because they do not like the smell of mint that it contains.

The average span from when the eggs are laid to when they hatch is about seven days. Often, what people think is a re-infestation is just missed eggs hatching after about a week after treatment. This is why it is important to use a thorough lice removal approach that includes combing out the nits as well as using the treatment solution.

If you could figure out how your child got lice, then you might be able to warn the other person. Unfortunately, there is rarely a clear cut place to pinpoint the origin of a lice infestation. Kids can get lice at school, daycare, camp and even on the playground. Just keep teaching them lice prevention strategies so that it becomes less likely to happen again.

About half of the population has an allergic reaction to lice bites that results in an itchy scalp. Young children may have trouble sleeping due to the sensations on their head, and many people describe an odd feeling of having something crawling around in their hair.

No, head lice do not have wings, and they only use their legs to crawl. You may rarely find them on skin or a surface such as a pillow. However, they are usually in transition to finding human hair if you see them off of a person’s head.

We recommend taking a cautious approach with sprays since many contain toxic chemicals that become airborne and can leave a residual film that lasts for weeks. Since lice die within one to two days, you can simply vacuum or wipe down furniture as normal and wait it out.

The short life span of a head louse without a scalp means that these things are safe. If your child can live without their stuffed animal, then bag it up and put it in a safe place for two days. Pillows and toys that are needed right away can be treated by running them through a hot cycle in the dryer for at least 30 minutes.

These tiny insects have been pestering humans for as long as we have been existence.

Our Lice Lifters comb has teeth that are closer together than others. The teeth also have expertly designed microgrooves that catch head lice and nits that others do not.

Of course, you could give them a try, but you will likely find that you are wasting time and money when it is critical to use an effective treatment. OTC products have been overused to the point that lice have become resistant to their toxic chemicals.

A single female head louse lays about 10 eggs a day with a total of 200 for her lifetime.

It takes about seven to 10 days for a nymph to start laying eggs. When you think about how each one can lay 10 a day, it is easy to see how infestations quickly multiple if you don’t seek treatment from our technicians.

Why Families Choose Lice Lifters?

All Natural,
Safe And Proven

Our Lice Lifters® Treatment Solution is all natural and all of our lice treatment products are safe for the whole family.

Certified Lice
Removal Technicians

Our lice treatment technicians are all trained and certified on the best techniques for removing lice once and for all.