How To Use Lice Lifters Removal Products
How To Use Lice Lifters Removal Products
Lice Facts 101
- A louse is one bug, lice are plural. Nits are the lice eggs. Sometimes nits are referred to as hatched nits, but we refer to the nits as viable eggs.
- Lice are wingless bugs that range in size from as small as a pencil point to the size of a small ant. (2mm to 4mm)
- Lice and nits can range in color from tan to dark brown.
- Lice do not jump or fly, they just crawl. Lice have 6 legs with claws at the end designed to cling to the hair shaft and they are masters at hiding.
- An adult female louse can lay 3-5 waterproof, hard to remove nits 2 times a day. (See below for life cycle of a louse)
- Lice do not live on our pets.
- Lice do not burrow, and they must be on a human head to survive.
- Nits, once removed from the head, are harmless.

History of Head Lice
Head lice have been around possibly as long as humans. Lice are mentioned in the bible. There is evidence of nit combs in ancient tombs containing lice and nits. Medusa is believed to be an image of what someone looked like when they were not treated for head lice. Before modern times, there were ancient remedies or people just picked and combed out lice and their nits. Early in the 20th century, if you had a lot of money, you hired a nitpicker.
Throughout history, many treatments for head lice were developed, including toxic powders not suitable for humans. During the early 1900’s kerosene oil was used, which was soon followed by warnings of fire. The military started shaving heads in World War II to control lice outbreaks. Lice have been around possibly since Adam & Eve, so if you play the blame game we can blame it all on them.
How you get head lice
- More than 90% of head lice cases stem from head-to-head contact with an infected person (hair touching hair)
- Hugs (don’t give up hugging, just preform regular combing head checks)
- Children working together in small spaces where heads touch (books/handheld video games)
- Cloth seats in the movie theater, on a bus, train, or plane
- Sharing dress up clothes, hats or hooded sweatshirts
- Lying on someone’s bed/pillow
- Sharing brushes or hair accessories
- Using someone’s towel
- Sharing a batting or safety helmet
- Trying on clothes or hats in stores
- **Less than 10% of head lice cases are from the environment
Post Lice Lifters Treatment Plan

- We strongly recommend you follow-up the Lice Lifters Treatment with Lice Lifters.
- Lice Solution Treatment
- Lice Lifters ® Lice Solution Treatment should be applied to dry hair for 10 minutes. To remove solution from hair, first add Dawn dish detergent to the hair (on top of solution) and work into lather, slowly add water and thoroughly rinse out. (You may want to shampoo 2-3 times to ensure that the solution is thoroughly removed and add a small amount of Dawn dishwashing liquid to shampoo as needed.)
- If everyone in your home has not come to Lice Lifters for treatment, we recommend checking them for lice and nits with Lice Lifters Nit Removal Comb.
In addition to the at-home treatment plan, be sure to follow “The Great Clean Up” directions to ensure success
You will be itchy for up to a week after you lice treatment, as the itch develops because of an allergic reaction to the bug’s bite.
We recommend weekly head checks with Lice Lifters Nit Removal Comb.
Please call us if you have any questions.

The Great Clean Up!
We are only concerned with live adult lice for the house cleanup. After someone does Lice Lifters® Lice Solution Treatment they should not have any live lice. The house cleaning needs to be done one time only. While doing a cleanup is an important step, treating the head is most important. You must take care of the checklist below so that the treatment you just received can be most successful.
items to put into the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat
*This list need only be done after the first Lice Lifters® Lice Solution treatment
- Special stuffed animals, blankets, or lovies that can go in the dryer
- Bed linens, comforters, blankets, pillow shams, towels. Lice do not burrow. They are only on the surface
- Any clothes in the laundry and on the floor
- Coats, hats, hoody sweatshirts, sweaters (anything that has been worn in the last 3 days)
**Anything that cannot withstand the hot dryer cycle or be vacuumed needs to be bagged for 2 - 3 days. An adult louse cannot survive longer than 48 hours off of a human host.
Things to vacuum...
Only clean areas that have had direct head contact
- Cloth sofas and chairs
- Cloth car seats and safety seats
- Any large throw pillows or bed rest pillows that can’t go in the dryer
- Carpets that kids have laid on, or around the TV, bedroom, and playroom
*It is known that a louse cannot survive very long without a human host. Lice have legs with claws on the ends of them so they can cling to fabric but cannot get around well on leather, plastic, wood or other flat surfaces. Lice do not burrow. Items such as pillows or mattress pads that were covered by a pillowcase or sheet do not need to be cleaned.
Helmets and Hats
Any bicycle helmets or batting helmets that have been used within 2-3 days from treatment need to be treated. Just put the helmet in the freezer. Baseball hats or winter hats can go in the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat. If the hat or helmet has not been used in the past few days then it is fine. We recommend children have their own baseball and bike helmets with their name clearly marked on the outside of the helmets.

What to do with brushes and hair accessories
You will need to clean the brushes on the first day that you do Lice Lifters Lice Solution Treatment. Our recommendation for treating brushes, combs and hair accessories is to boil water in a stockpot, take it off the heat and then submerge the items until the water cools off. The water needs to be at least 130º