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Have a Hoppy Easter!

Hope the Easter Bunny brings Easter Eggs not Lice Eggs.

Nothing says Easter like getting a call from the school nurse after spring break. The school nurse is sorting through each kid’s head looking for lice eggs wishing they were chocolate peanut butter eggs. Then you go crazy washing everything in the house…twice no maybe 5 times!!!

You are thinking about how you are going to dye beautiful Easter eggs with your children, brightly colored, with varied patterns! You don’t want to think about lice. Lice Lifters wants you to enjoy your celebration too. Just remember there will be a lot of hugging, selfies, group pictures and overall head to head contact. Lice Lifters suggests getting close for pictures, but don’t touch heads. Also pick up Lice Lifters Mint Spray from your closest Lice Lifters Treatment Center and spray it on all heads every day. Lice don’t like mint!

Enjoy your Easter Egg hunt you don’t want a lice egg hunt. Easter eggs are easy to find compared to lice eggs. They can be very small, blend in with certain colors of hair, and be scattered all over the head, and not always in the “usual” places.

We have many Lice Lifters locations around the country. Find the closest one near you. www.licelifters.com Lice Lifters of Cranford would love to ease your mind with a head check after Spring bread. Call them 908-967-6121! The NJ Lice Lady will help you anytime.

Contact Lice Lifters Today: ‪(484) 368-3383 - One Quick Treatment And Done!